Thursday, September 21, 2017

Plot hole in Star Wars Episode V

When Darth Vader speaks to Kendal Ozzel through the camera, Kendal says "The fleet has moved out of lightspeed and were preparing to" and Darth Vader chokes him. Could Darth Vader choke someone THROUGH THE CAMERA? That's not how the force works. The Sith could only choke someone directly.

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Homepage DD1US is a German site

It is based in Germany.
German DD1US.

Top eight greatest EDM musicians

This post has been moved to here.

WannaCry on Wine on GNU/Linux


What is the purpose of this blog?

To add suff to the Internet. Stuff that should be somewhere on the Internet but isn't. Google doesn't find results when I search a phrase with quotes, and I find it strange that the phrase doesn't exist on the Internet. So I put it on this blog. That's not the only purpose of this blog. I also promote stuff. I give my opinions.

This website has so few views and no replies

As when this post was written. There are more views from France than from any other country. Why is that? Is it because of bots automatically accessing the site? Or is it because people in France are loyal to Blogger/Blogspot? Why are there so few views of this blog? Ask anyone.