You hurt people's feelings! You don't give to help people feel better when they disagree with God's laws. How about you say "God knows what he is doing". Why don't you say "But you say, 'What's so wrong with that innocent magic? I don't see anything wrong, no reason for God to condemn it'"? On So few people are going to heaven, why don't you say "It may not seem fair, but ..." and then something. On "Few people are going to heaven," You forgot Revelation 7:9! Is it about God getting credit and not about God giving good stuff to people? That's against Hebrews 13:16! What does Hebrews 13:16 mean about God forbidding any magic at all, whether it would be right or wrong?
God seems like a dictator when condemning many people to hell! All he cares about is "POWER POWER POWER!!!!" Power-hungry and PROUD!
Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry - No hero... Why doesn't God just create aliens - "Multiple images of himself" - More diversity is always better!
You say "Are you sure?" then I say "No I'm not sure that God is terrible like that!"
Why don't you say "Everything will have been done right and just"?
I wish God would dress Satan in BLACK CLOTHES! Turn Satan to no more than human! Hell explode!
It seems to me that God is not good in all his ways!
Comment to me if you think there's anything I could improve on.